YHA Langdale - Directions

High Close, Loughrigg, Ambleside, Cumbria, LA22 9HJ

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Contact information

Phone: +44 345 371 9748

Email: [email protected]

Read more about YHA Langdale

Map references

OS Map:
OS Grid Ref:
54.43857, -3.02148

How to get here

By car: Driving from the north, we recommend leaving the M6 at junction 40 (Penrith) and following the A66 to Keswick then down the A591 to Grasmere then Ambleside. Alternatively driving from the south leave the M6 at junction 36 onto the A590 (towards Kendal) then follow the A591 all the way to Ambleside. From Ambleside follow the A593 signposted Coniston and the Langdales. After about one and a half miles take the steep right hand turning signposted High Close (with YHA OS symbol). Continue along the road following High Close or YHA signs for approximately two miles until a left-hand switchback (third turning on the left) takes you to the hostel, 200 yards on the left.

By bus: If you are travelling by bus from Windermere take either the X8 (Chorley-Keswick) or the 505 (Windermere-Coniston) to Ambleside. Alternatively you could take the 555 (Lancaster-Keswick) to Ambleside or Grasmere. From Ambleside take the 516 (Ambleside-Dungeon Ghyll) and alight at Elterwater. From Elterwater there is a one mile walk to the hostel up a steep hill. From Grasmere there is a two mile walk either through a forest trail or around Grasmere Lake. If you are travelling from Keswick take either the X8 (Keswick-Chorley) or the 555 (Keswick-Lancaster) to Grasmere or Ambleside then follow above directions from Ambleside.

By coach: The nearest National Express coach stop is in Grasmere, 1.01 miles away.

By train: If you are travelling by train the nearest station is Windermere, from there we are either a 8 mile bus or taxi ride away.